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Bridget Lisa Ward's Fundraising Page
Template Name : galway_simon
Bridget Lisa Ward's Fundraising Page


Target : € 250.00
Will you be the 1st to support my page? DONATIONS AVAILABLE UNTIL 01 Dec 2023
Fundraising For Galway Simon Community
Latest Update !!

Please support my Sleep Out for Simon challenge on Friday 6th of October and support those facing the fear of homelessness in our local community.



Target : € 250.00
Will you be the 1st to support my page? DONATIONS AVAILABLE UNTIL 01 Dec 2023

On Friday October 6th, we are giving up our beds and usual comforts in support of those facing homelessness during this critical time of need.

As part of our Sleep Out challenge, we are raising desperately needed funds for Galway Simon Community, who provide vital Prevention, Housing and Support services to people facing homelessness here in the West.

If you can, please consider supporting our team by donating what you can today. Simply click the Donate button above. All donations are processed securely.

They urgently need our support to ensure that they can continue to be there for those who will need them most in the difficult times to come.

You can also share our page using Share options below. This is a great way to show your support.

Thank you so much for your support!

    Be Galway Simon Community first fantastic supporter.

    About the cause