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Paula Brady
Memory Walk - Paula Brady #WalkingTogether for Dementia
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Memory Walk - Paula Brady #WalkingTogether for Dementia

Paula Brady
Fundraising For The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
Latest Update !!

I'm doing Alzheimer's Memory Walk 2020 in support of my Mam Anne who is living with Dementia for 15 years xxx
Please read my story below

€ 1,660.00 Target : € 750.00


15 Nov 2020

From 65 fantastic supporters


Darren Carey €20.00

Joe Healy €10.00


Online Donations : € 1,540.00

Offline Donations : € 120.00

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Memory Walk - Paula Brady #WalkingTogether for Dementia

Paula Brady
Fundraising For The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
Latest Update

I'm doing Alzheimer's Memory Walk 2020 in support of my Mam Anne who is living with Dementia for 15 years xxx
Please read my story below

Event Details

There is nothing more heart breaking than watching someone you have loved all your life slowly fade to another world that you can’t access.  Dementia is the cruellest of diseases it takes away your loved ones before your eyes. It is like a long goodbye it robs people of memories, emotions, experiences and even their personalities.

After a year or so of early symptoms and waiting for tests etc.  Mam was diagnosed at just 55 years of age.  It was scary time started with mild forgetfulness, the repeated story, the lost belongings.  I genuinely thought whatever was wrong was fixable you don’t expect a diagnosis of Dementia at such a young age.  The worst part was the struggle for help for only for a close friend we got great help from The Memory Clinic at James who made the diagnosis but after that for 10 years we battled the system and it was a battle.  At 55 Mam didn't 'qualify' for HSE supports or even basic access to a Geriatrician we were turned away because of the age...too young!!

I'm doing the Memory Walk to fundraise for The Alzheimer Society of Ireland in particular the South Dublin how are team and special thanks to Frances Redmond who were there for us and continues to give our family help, hope and support when we need it most.  So many families and individuals would be lost without their support and would have nowhere to turn.

I hope in my lifetime a cure will be found for this dreadful disease that is currently affecting +55,000 people in Ireland, but for now I'm doing my bit to fundraise for The Alzheimer Society of Ireland.

I hope you can help me by donating whatever you can and all funds raised here will go directly to this great cause.  The Alzheimer Society of Ireland works across the country in the heart of local communities providing dementia specific services and supports and advocating for the rights and needs of all people living with dementia and their carers.

Simply click the Donate button above & all donations are processed securely.
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Thanks so much for reading my story x
Read more about Alzheimer's Memory Walk 2020

Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 - Favorite
Paula Brady
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