Swim in Pink 2024 - Submit Swim
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National Breast Cancer Research Institute

Swim in Pink 2024

Swim in Pink 2024 - Submit Swim

The National Breast Cancer Research Institute, in association with Blackrock Swimwear, are asking as many people as possible to ‘Swim in Pink’ on Sunday, October 13th and help raise funds and awareness for breast cancer research during October, breast cancer awareness month.

Use the form below to submit a swim of your own - if you instead want to join another swim, please click here. 

The main date for swims is October 13th, but you can choose a date that suits you better. Please include date and time, IE October 13th at 13:00.
Where is the swim taking place? Please provide an Eircode if possible.
27 lines per card
Let us know how many T-shirts you need and what sizes.
Registration Fee 25
Cover transaction fees

By covering service and payment fees (x.xx) we can ensure 100% of your donation goes to the cause. Checking this box means you are happy to add those fees to your donation.

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