Debra - Irish Life Dublin Marathon
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DEBRA Ireland

Debra - Irish Life Dublin Marathon

Join Emma Fogarty's Run to 40 and be part of a team with Colin Farrell to support everyone impacted by EB in Ireland

Walk, run, or roll 40 kilometres in your own way and fundraise so that everyone with skin as fragile as a butterfly’s wing can access life-changing services and supports now, while we invest in EB research that can transform lives. 

Complete it all at once or break it into manageable chunks that fit your schedule. Wherever your live, whatever your fitness level, you can decide when and where you will complete your 40 kilometres. Every step, every kilometre, and every donation brings us closer to a cure and better quality of life for people with EB.

Individual Team
To cover our costs, you will receive your Debra t-shirt when you have raised €40 on your fundraising page.