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Rory O'Connor takes on the Dublin Marathon for Autism Awareness

Rory O'Connor takes on the Dublin Marathon for Autism Awareness

17th June 2024 - 31st October 2024


As a father of an Autistic child, I am passionate about raising awareness and fostering a supportive community for parents, particularly fathers, of Autistic children. I am urging dads of Autistic children across the country to come together with pride, not only to train with me for the marathon but also to create a space where they can openly discuss their experiences and challenges.  

From my experience and conversations within the Autistic community, I've noticed that mams often bear the brunt of the worry that comes with having an Autistic child and are more likely to discuss it with friends. My own son is Autistic and has sensory and communication issues. While he’s doing well, I constantly worry about his future and want him to have the same chance as others as he grows up. I wanted to reach out to other dads in Ireland to let them know they’re not alone in their fears and give a sense of pride in our amazing children. This is an opportunity for men to come together, build a bond, and support each other.

Start Fundraising
  • Tara Sukprasert

    €10 29/06/2024
  • Marie O Brien

    €10 28/06/2024
  • Esther Ruby

    €20 28/06/2024
  • Deirdre Kelly

    Best of luck

    €30 27/06/2024
  • Dowling Jenny

    €10 26/06/2024
  • Anonymous

    Good luck - have autistic child myself so glad support v worthy cause

    €30 26/06/2024
  • Sarah Alambi

    Good luck !!🏃🏃 Fantastic prize 🙏 my sensory seeking 🙍‍♂️ would love this 🥰

    €20 25/06/2024
  • Tara Bracken

    Thank You for raising Awareness Rory and sharing your own experience. Every child deserves all the support and services they require always! Thank You for your support for us SNA’s x We Love Our Job x

    €20 25/06/2024
  • Anonymous

    Parent with 3 kids with ASD! Great cause

    €5 25/06/2024
  • Anonymous

    €10 25/06/2024
  • Grace Mooney

    Best of luck Rory

    €10 25/06/2024
  • Mark McCallon

    €10 25/06/2024