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Mizen Head to Malin Head for Malin RNLI
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Mizen Head to Malin Head for Malin RNLI

Anne Marie Ballantyne
Verified Fundraiser


Hi there, the Byrne Family and friends are taking on the epic cycle challenge that is Mizen Head to Malin Head in memory of our Dad, John Byrne, who sadly passed away last July.

We are cycling in aid of our local Malin RNLI Branch (Royal National Lifeboat Institution). The RNLI is an independent charity and depends on voluntary donations to maintain its rescue service which is vitally important around our coastal and fishing communities. Coming from a coastal community, this cause is close to our hearts but especially so, as it was a charity that Dad always supported and was heavily involved...

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Anne Marie Ballantyne
a verified fundraiser


1y €25

Teresa & H
1y €50

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Recent updates

Day 2 brought Killarney to Lahinch! Far from ideal conditions with a lot of rain and windy conditions, but these guys are battling through!

Thanks so much for all the donations, the generosity is amazing, we’ve surpassed ou

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4th July 2023

On your marks….

A bright and blustery morning down at Mizen Head!
Check out a few pics before it’s time to hit the road!
Best of luck guys!

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3rd July 2023

Check out our Mizen to Malin Head support bus! Massive thanks to Kilmore West Youth Service for the loan of the bus for the week and to Mels Signs Cavan for the Signage!

We are overwhelmed at the support so far, thanks so much f

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2nd July 2023

Words of support

Well done guys!!

Congratulations we are so proud of you Stephen. 🥳

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Donation summary
Total raised: €20,095
Offline donations €4,200
Online donations €15,895

Another crowdfunding campaign supported by iDonate, Ireland's leading Online Fundraising Platform.