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Clocha Rince National School and Parents Association


Clocha Rince National School, Moyvalley, County Kildare

Clocha Rince National School and Parents Association

Clocha Rince National School Parents Association Fundraising to improve the school playgrounds and facilities, to support activities for the parents and children in the school and wider community.

where your money goes

We have been able to support so far in 2022 with covering costs towards First Aid courses for all the children, courses on wellbeing for the parents, support with supplies for wellbeing week in school, we have covered gifts from Santa and the Easter Bunny to all children in the school and much more.

As of February 2023 we have managed to raise €12,500 so far towards our playground resurfacing but the goal is €75,000 to be able to do this safely and with a long-term finish.


Please consider visiting our Sponsor a Square Metre Fundraising to sponsor a portion of the resurfacing. Your name or name of choice will be added to a permanent plaque outside the school once we reach our target of €30,000 from that initiative. As of February 2023, €1,500 of our€12,500 has come from Sponsor a Square Metre. If you cannot sponsor but you can share on your social media or local chats and communities we would really appreciate the support.

Businesses can also sponsor at €250 and claim tax back as the school is a charitable institution.

Thank You for all your support.


Corporate sponsors of the playground fund so far are:

GORenovate - building services.

Thermomix- Midlands and Galway team.

Moyvalley Meats


Agri InsiderTV



