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National Breast Cancer Research Institute


Symptomatic Breast Centre, University Hospital Galway, Galway, Co. Galway

National Breast Cancer Research Institute

Our mission is to raise funds in support of world-class breast cancer research at the Lambe Institute, University of Galway.

Our vision is to have a real and measurable impact on outcomes for breast cancer patients.

The National Breast Cancer Research Institute is a national charity that funds a comprehensive research programme at the University of Galway. Research has improved the diagnosis, treatment options, and outcomes for those who develop the disease. By funding this research, we aim to positively impact future outcomes for breast cancer patients.

In collaboration with universities and hospitals across the globe, the breast cancer research team at the Lambe Institute for Translational Research, University of Galway, focuses on areas including personalised medicine, breast regeneration, and innovative diagnostics and therapeutics.

The Charity raises funds for research from charity events, community-based fundraising, campaigns, and support from individuals and companies. We rely entirely on voluntary contributions and do not receive direct funding from government.


Currently, 1 in 7 Irish women will be diagnosed with breast cancer before 75 years of age and there are 3,507 cases diagnosed annually which is set to continue to increase.

These women are our mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, friends and neighbours. We know these women, they play major roles in our lives.

The National Breast Cancer Research Institute research team, in collaboration with universities and hospitals across the globe, focuses on the development and improvement of diagnostic techniques and treatment strategies, to drive real and measurable improvement in clinical outcomes for breast cancer patients.

With your help, we can positively impact the future for women in Ireland.


The National Breast Cancer Research Institute was founded in 1991 by Professor Fred Given in order to increase awareness, improve access to treatment and conduct international class research into breast cancer.

On March 10th 1991, former President Mary Robison formally inaugurated the organisation and stated “Breast Cancer in a serious problem, particularly in the West. Galway is very well serviced with expertise and resources. It is important that women are aware of this and start to value their health. It is part of the empowerment of women.”

In 1992, it was estimated that 660 Irish women would die from breast cancer. Professor Fred Given and his team, consisting of two full-time technical staff, two research fellows and three post-graduate PhD students began working on breast cancer research projects in collaboration with other departments from the university and hospital.

In 2004, Professor Michael Kerin was appointed as research director. Today the research team is expanding due to the generosity of those who support the charity. Continued research into breast cancer has significantly improved treatments and outcomes for breast cancer patients.


